Creating 2-D Animations on Canvas - lightning

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Make a cloud move in the dark sky.
  • Make electrons gather on the cloud as it moves closer to the objects on the ground.
  • Trigger off the thunderbolt when the cloud is over a specified object.
Finding a good book to master HTML5 can be very challenging: there are so many around - most with eye-catching titles and very complex substance.
Therefore, Vivax Solutions strongly recommends Core HTML5 Canvas for those who really want to delve into HTML5.
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Thunderbolt - lightning strike

This animation, which looks a bit comical, is not a joke. It shows the danger in real life if you carry an umbrella - unless you attach a metal chord to it, of course.

The induced electrostatic charges can put the man in danger unless the massive current is provided with an exit path.


The Code for the animation is as follows:


var canvas = document.getElementById('Canvas_Six');
var context_six = canvas.getContext('2d');
var y = new Date();
var s = y.getSeconds();
var imgCloud = new Image();
var imgShock = new Image();
var xc, yc;
var a = 0;
function orbit() {
context_six.clearRect(0, 0, 240, 400);
a = a + 1;
xc = 10 * a; yc = 10;
/*context_six.font = '12pt Calibri';
context_six.fillStyle = 'red';
context_six.fillText(a, 150,150);*/
if (a == 35) { a = 0; }
for (var j = 0; j <= 500; j++) {
context_six.font = '12pt Calibri';
context_six.fillStyle = 'grey';
context_six.fillText(',', Math.random() * 240 + 1, Math.random() * 390 + 1);
context_six.drawImage(imgCloud, 240 - xc, yc + 2 * Math.sin(a));
if (a < 10) { imgCloud.src = '../images/cloud1.png'; }
if (a > 10 && a < 20) {
context_six.font = '12pt Calibri';
context_six.fillStyle = 'white';
for (var i = 72; i < 186; i = i + 10) {
context_six.fillText('+', i, 155 + 5 * Math.random());
context_six.fillText('+', 125, 128);
context_six.fillText('+', 130, 120);
context_six.fillText('+', 135, 128);
imgCloud.src = '../images/cloud2.png';
//document.getElementById('Canvas_Six').style.backgroundImage = "";
if (a > 20) { imgCloud.src = '../images/cloud.png'; }
if (a > 17 && a < 20) {
context_six.moveTo(134, 50);
context_six.lineTo(134, 120);
context_six.lineWidth = 3;
context_six.moveTo(205, 200);
context_six.lineTo(206, 230);
context_six.lineWidth = 3;
context_six.moveTo(195, 330);
context_six.lineTo(198, 360);
context_six.lineWidth = 3;
context_six.strokeStyle = 'white';
context_six.drawImage(imgShock, 186, 380);
imgShock.src = '../images/shock.png
//context_six.font = '12pt Calibri';
//context_six.fillStyle = 'white';
// context_six.fillText('Year: ' + year, 40, 20);
// document.getElementById('Canvas_Six').style.backgroundImage = "";
window.setInterval('orbit()', 500);


All Canvas Animations