HTML5 Input Types

There are quite a few elements in HTML5. Let's look at some of widely-used input elements.

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The input elements play a very big role in Forms, which we use all the time to communicate with the people that we do business with. In the above form,the following input controls are used:

  1. Two plain text boxes - <input type="text" name="first and last name" value="Ben & Dover" >
  2. A password text box- <input type="password" name="password" >
  3. An email text box <input type="email" name="Email" value="Ben & Dover" >
  4. A radio button list - <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" >
  5. A checkbox list - <input type="checkbox" name="Married" >
  6. A button to submit data included in the form to a remote web server - <input type="submit" name="send" value="Submit Query" >

The action attribute of the form is a particularly interesting thing to note; it is the file in the server, which we submit the data for, in order to make a decision - to store in a database or respond to an inquiry.

A form sends out data in two different ways, depending on the method attribute of the form:

  1. Post - send data in the form
  2. Get - send data as a query string

Both methods send data as name=.. and value=... pairs. In the first method, the data is sent to a specific source - action.php file on the server. In the second case, however, the data is attached to a query string that you can see on the address bar.

Get method -****&

Post method - POST /test/demo.aspx https/1.1

You can see clearly the dangers associated with Get method while sending data via query strings - exposing them to the entire online community!

With HTML5, there have been a set of new input controls which are really useful in enhancing user experience. Let's look at some of the important ones.

Input Type - range

The range element, for example, can be used to show Boyle's Law in physics; the greater the pressure of a gas the smaller the volume or vice versa, provided that the temperature remains constant.

P ∝ 1 / V

The structure of range input element is as follows:

<input type="range" id="Range1" min="20" max="40" value="30" onchange="boyle()" >

In this case, JavaScript is used to make P and V change with the values of range element -through the function boyle().

In the following example, range element is used to change the radius and the intensity of the colour of a circle, while using a script.


< input type="range" id="Range1" min="10" max="255" value="50" onChange="radius()" >

Once again, we use the onChange event of the range element along with JavaScript. The color the sphere is changed with the use of CSS.

Input Type - number

This is a very useful textbox controls to deal with numbers, sometimes restricting them to a certain range.

Age (between 5 and 95):


< input type = "number" name = "age" min = "5" max = "95" >


The textbox will not allow you to enter a number that is less than 5 or greater than 95. Enter a number and then press the Enter button to see its use. The great thing about this control is that it produces the error on its own in the event of a wrong number being entered; the user does not have to use script languages for it.

Input Type - button

HTML5 buttons are important for sending information to servers as well text-muted as for calculations, ranging from simple to more complex.


< input type = "button" onclick = "alert('Welcome to Vivax Solutions!')" value = "Click to be Greeted!" >

The buttons responds to onClick event; when JavaScript functions are attached to the event, this can be achieved. If you click the above, you will see it.

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